RitR Third Round
Tycho moves on Yavin, Imperials send Bomber
The Imperial bomber wing moved to keep the Rebel task force lead by Tycho Chelu attempted to gain influence in the Yavin system. The MC75 and MC30c navigated separately through the asteroid field, with the MC75 making its way toward the interdictor. Maarek Steele and Colonel Jendon ambushed the MC30c and destroyed it; however, the MC75 launched a successful volley and destroyed the bombers' supporting gozanti, finishing it off by ramming it. The MC75 then maneuvered to ram the interdictor and they pinned each other around the station. Due to the better maneuvering, the MC75 could bring its front and left arc against the interdictor. They continued exchanging shots, with the interdictor's targeting scrambler disrupting any serious damage. Ultimately, the precision strike victory tokens were in favor of the Rebels, who gained the small victory.
mc75 - already vet
maarek - already vet
rebel win - 108 - 99
imp xp - +2
reb xp - +1
Morna attacks Dathomir (Hired scum), Rebel Bombers
The Imperials made a bold move to push their ships to find something more, they attacked Dathomir. The Rebel bombers moved in and hired scum to support them. The Imperials were massively outnumbered in this engagement, and were driven back from the system. Nonetheless, whether from the force witches or some other source, Demolisher and Interdictor were named within the Imperial task force. The Rebel task force also noted Yavaris, Janna's Light, and Quantum Storm.
CovA - vet
Neb - scar - reapir
jan - scar - repair
jan - already vet
e-wingx2 - scar
Morna - vet
inter - already vet
Imp - 58 (fleet points)
Rebel win - (Table) 214 - 85
imp xp - +4
reb xp - +2
Rebel 5 attacks Lothal, ISD
Attacking into the solar corona, the Rebels tried to disrupt the Imperial plans for a base around Lothal. The Imperials split their star destroyers to attempt to pin the small Rebel ships between them. Instead, the Rebels moved at high speed and struck the Victory quickly before the larger ISD could come to its aid. After the Ezra Bridger again flung asteroids into the Victory's path, it was destroyed. The Rebels regrouped out of range of the larger ship, and thereby regained possession of Lothal.
VSD - already vet
ISD - already vet
Rebel win - 82
imp xp +2
reb xp +2
Resources 3 +2 -> base on Nar shaddaa
Skilled Spacers x3
Ally x2
Repair Yard x2 -> spent
Bomber: Squad II + 1xp + 2
Morna: Eng II + 0 + 4
ISD: 2xp + 2 -> 0 + Nav II
Resources 4 +3 -> base on Ring of Kafrene
Spynet x2
Repair Yard-> spent
Bomber: Squad II + 1xp +2
Tycho: Eng II + 0 + 1
Rebel5: Nav II + 1 xp +2
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