Second round of RitR

The Rebels still had initiative, and sent Tycho's black dice task force against the Ring of Kafrene.  The Imperial bomber wing came against them.  Leia and Raymus Antilles were both present and assisting in tracking the double agent to the system.  Taskmaster Grint attempted to capture the agent on the Assault Carrier, but he escaped first.  The MC75 maneuvered toward the interdictor and they eventually collided, at which time Jyn Erso crossed over and disrupted operations on the cruiser.  After an exchange of close range fire, the cruiser was rendered combat ineffective.  The rest of the Imperial forces scattered, but outbound, Maarek Steele completed his strafing run of the MC30c, scarring it.

Rebels table 201-76

The star destroyers moved on Lothal after their victory at Mandalore, bringing with them several allied squadrons.  The rebels were attempting to broadcast their propaganda on the holonet, so the task force deployed against their station, which was well positioned amidst asteroids and debris.  The two star destroyers took different paths toward the station.  The Rebels sent their E-wings ahead to hold off the Imperial allies.  The remaining Rebel bombers then surrounded the Victory, eventually scarring it.  They moved toward the ISD and damaged it, but took significant losses and had to breakoff.  Unable to keep the ISD from the station, the Rebels took a loss; however, Norra Wexley answered their propaganda.  Boba Fett agreed to continue operating with the Imperial forces.

Imperial win by 60

The Rebel task force of corvettes and other small ships attacked Nar Shadaa.  Morna Kee and her Imperial task force hired scum to counter this incursion.  Ezra Bridger flung a debris field into the interdictor; however, the interdictor rammed a CR90 so as to avoid the debris.  Further exchanges of fire took place, but the Rebels could never bring its forces fully to bear.

Imperial win by 105


Resources 2 + 3 -> Base on Mandalore

Skilled Spacers x2


Repair Yard

Bomber: 4xp -> 1xp + Squad II

Morna: 3xp ->Eng II

ISD: 2xp


Resources 2 + 2

Repair Yard - spent


Bomber: 3xp -> 1xp + Squad II

Tycho: 4xp -> Nav II

Rebel5: 4xp -> Eng II + 1 xp


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